Raquel Zita Gomes
Prof. Doctor Raquel Zita Gomes, DMD, MSc, PhD
Oral Surgeon and Implant Surgeon
Raquel is a certified Oral Surgeon and a Dental Medical Doctor with a post-graduation, specialization, MSc and PhD degree in the field of Implantology.
She is an invited external teacher for the Master and Specialization Course of Oral Rehabilitation (CESPU University, Portugal) and an invited lecturer at University of Pennsylvania (UPenn, USA). Since 2003 she has undertaken continuous research in Implantology and Bone Regeneration Biomaterials in association with several Universities.
She is a MINEC (Megagen International Network of Education and Clinical Research) knight active member, opinion leader of Megagen Portugal, KOL of Osteobiol Biomaterials and Opinion leader of Bredent Medical Group. She is also an IFZI (Prof. Lang) academy official instructor and Active member of BBB (Bone, Biomaterials and Beyond) and DDS (Digital Dental Society) Academies.
She is Expert in several educational platforms like Dental XP, Oralsurgerytube, MINEC and DentinalTubules and Reviewer, author and co-author of several articles and chapters of books in the Dentistry field.
Owner of private practice dental clinic in Porto (Portugal), Raquel performs Implantology, Surgery and Oral Rehabilitation exclusively, including patients of other referring colleagues.
Raquel has a personal case series from November 2002 to December 2018. Raquel has performed implant surgery on several patients totalling more than 7700 implants; 4870 tissue and bone regeneration procedures (autologous bone, heterologous bone, plasma and biomembranes) and other surgical acts such as block graft (inlay and onlay), maxillary sinuses lifting and filling, apicoectomies, cysts removal, impacted canines and wisdom teeth extraction, lateralization/trespass and transposition of inferior alveolar nerve.